The Canada Story

The Canada Story

My Canada Story has a prologue. I think I’ve shared it over and over again on this blog. And it was basically when my cousin, who lives in Ottawa, suggested that I consider moving to Canada – as an immigrant. That suggestion stuck with me and I took it with me everywhere I went. Suddenly, it was like a whole world of possibilities opened up for me. I was certain that my cousin would not have suggested that if she didn’t think I could do it. This made me feel confident, so that even if I didn’t have any idea how that was possible, I became determined to find out, challenge myself and at least try to make it happen.

And then I shared my plan with Jade, who apparently had also planned to move to Canada a few years back. I also let her know that I wanted to visit Canada in December 2018, and I asked her to join me. The next thing I knew, we were preparing our documents, applying for our visas and then getting them, booking our tickets and then waiting for the trip.

While waiting for December, we also started practicing to take the IELTS, and arranging for our ECAs to be completed by WES. By then, I had known more about the process. I somehow understood the first steps and the documents most important to filing a successful application for permanent residence in Canada.

Looking back, I can’t remember the exact time when I found out about the Express Entry – Federal Skills Worker stream. All I remember now is how much of a busy time that was. And it was gladly not the empty kind of busy. We were working towards our goal. We were working towards achieving something that would have a great impact on our lives.

Coming Next

Now Iā€™d like to share bits about the process and some of my thoughts on it.

In the coming posts, I will be sharing some information about these things:

  1. IRCC
  2. Express Entry Requirements
  3. Comprensive Ranking System
  4. Pre-Landing
  5. Landing
  6. Post-Landing
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